Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Cara Beriklan di Facebook

Hingga saat ini, Facebook merupakan promosi iklan online kami yang berkinerja terbaik. Sulit mengalahkan biaya partisipasi yang rendah dan pemirsa yang tertarik.
Jika Anda memiliki kehadiran yang lebih luas di Facebook dengan Halaman Facebook atau Acara Facebook plus iklan, misalnya, Anda dapat mengubah pesan iklan menjadi rujukan tepercaya, dengan menyertakan konten dari teman si pengguna yang sudah menggunakan produk Anda. ANA mengambil pendekatan ini dengan membuat Halaman Facebook, guna memperoleh pengguna yang tertarik untuk peluang perpesanan berkelanjutan dan mengembangkan promosi iklan yang menarik. ANA menggunakan pengelompokan kata kunci yang kreatif untuk menargetkan iklan ke pengguna yang secara spesifik tertarik pada melancong dan budaya Jepang, dan mengembangkan materi iklan yang sesuai dengan pemirsanya.
Promosi rata-rata untuk ANA menghasilkan CTR sebesar 8-12%. Iklan Facebook menghasilkan 25% CTR. Konversi menghasilkan ROI positif, yang unik bagi Anda, mempertimbangkan produk mereka bukan pembelian yang bisa cepat diputuskan bagi kebanyakan orang dan secara tradisional, Jepang tidak dipandang sebagai tujuan wisata.

Jangkau Target Konsumen Anda

    * Jalin hubungan dengan lebih dari 750 juta calon pelanggan
    * Pilih audiens Anda berdasarkan lokasi, usia, dan minat
    * Coba gambar yang sederhana dan iklan berbasis teks dan gunakan yang paling berhasil

Perdalam Jalinan Hubungan Anda

    * Promosikan Halaman Facebook atau situs web Anda
    * Gunakan tombol "Suka" kami untuk meningkatkan pengaruh iklan
    * Bangun komunitas di sekitar bisnis Anda

Perdalam Jalinan Hubungan Anda

    * Promosikan Halaman Facebook atau situs web Anda
    * Gunakan tombol "Suka" kami untuk meningkatkan pengaruh iklan
    * Bangun komunitas di sekitar bisnis Anda
Untuk lebih detailnya silahkan ikuti link berikut :

Cause Obesity In Stomach

Abdominal fat is a very common problem facing today, in addition to unhealthy belly fat and also interfere with performance.

The factors that cause obesity in the abdomen:

1. Genetic factors.

This is the heredity from parents.

2. Phisical in Activity

A person whose activity is less, but his diet too much, this resulted in abdominal obesity, while too much fat deposited in the body the body without the expenditure balance.

3. lazy Exercise

Fats in the body can not burn if someone does not like doing sports, consequently accumulate fat in the abdomen so that the belly bulge.

4. Take in Food
Someone who likes to eat fast foods or foods that contain lots of cholesterol or fat on the body easily lead obeisitas

Heart Healthy Tips For Always

What should be done to keep the heart healthy is to always:

1. Do not consume excessive alcohol

Work that is too heavy hearts due to consuming too much alcohol can make liver cells damaged or suffered permanent scarring. This condition is called cirrhosis or liver shrinkage.

2. Do not Eat the drug along with alcohol

This will cause the heart to work harder and are very harmful to your health.

3. Avoid of environmental pollutants

Air pollutants are captured by the small blood vessels in the lungs will meyebar to the liver, so the heart will go the extra mile to clean it.

How to Prevent Obesity (overweight)

Obesity is a state diamana someone overweight due to obesity.

Obesity should be avoided because it is not good for health ..

There are several ways to prevent obesity:

1. Adjust your diet

Expand megkonsumsi vegetables and fruits to reduce fat in the body.

2. sport
Do exercise regularly at least 3 times a week and a maximum of 5 times a week. This is to maintain a smooth blood circulation.

3. walk

Get used to perform your activities on foot, because this will burn fat on the belly as your activity.

4. Avoid alcohol

Do not consume food or beverages that contain alcohol, because the distended stomach due to alcohol which is converted into trigeliserin accumulate and are deposited in your stomach.

Daftar Obat Penurun Tekanan Darah Tinggi Alami

1. Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum Merr.)
Efek/khasiat : meningkatkan sirkulasi darah, mencairkan bekuan darah, antikoagulan
Dosis : 15-30 gram daun segar atau 5-10 gram umbi

2. Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.)
Khasiat/efek : menurunkan kolesterol tinggi, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, menurunkan kadar gula darah
Dosis : 2-3 buah matang

3. Mawar (Rosa chinensis Jacq.)
Efek/khasiat : melancarkan sirkulasi darah, menetralkan racun
Dosis : 3-10 gram bunga kering

4. Siantan (Ixora stricta Roxb.)
Efek/khasiat : mengecilkan bekuan darah, menurunkan tekanan darah
Dosis : 10-15 gram bunga

5. Temu Hitam (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)
Efek/khasiat : melancarkan sirkulasai dan mencairkan gumpalan darah, menetralkan racun dalam tubuh.
Dosis : 10 – 25 gram rimpang

6. Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.)
Khasiat/efek :mencegah aterosklerosis, antikoagulan (menghancurkan penggumplan darah), menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi,
menurunkan kolesterol tinggi, menambah siistem kekebalan.

7. Bawang Bombay (Allium cepa L.)
Khasiat/efek : menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan kolesterol tinggi, mencegah pembekuan darah.

8. Terung Ungu (Solanum melongena L.)
Khasiat/efek : mencegah aterosklerosis, mencegah meningkatnya kolesterol darah

9. Jamur Kuping (Auricularia auricula)
Khasiat/efek :menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, mencegah aterosklerosis, menurunkan kolesterol.

10. Jamur ling zhi (Ganoderma lucidum Karst.)
Khasiat/efek :mencegah dan mengatasi jantung koroner, menurunkan kolesterol tinggi dan tekanan darah tinggi.
Dosis : 3-10 gram direbus, airnya diminum.

11. Daun Salam (Syzigium polyanthum)
Khasiat/efek : menurunkan koesterol dan tekanan darah tinggi, menurunkan kadar gula darah tinggi.

12. Jantung Pisang (Musa paradisiaca)
Khasiat/efek :mencegah stroke dan pendarahan otak, baik untuk jantung dan pembuluh darah.

13. Rumput Laut (Laminaria japonica)
Khasiat/efek : menormalkan tekanan darah, menurunkan kolesterol tinggi, mencegah aterosklerosis.

Tips on lowering high blood pressure

[Tips on lowering high blood pressure.jpg]
Hypertension or High Blood if left unchecked, the long-term hypertension can damage the brain, heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Fortunately, hypertension, including diseases that can be controlled and avoided, even without medication.

One way to avoid high blood pressure is to maintain an ideal body weight, then do the following:

1. Walking
Conduct regular brisk walking was effective for lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients up to 8 mm Hg. Exercise also helps the heart use oxygen more efficiently so it will not work too hard to pump blood. Perform various types of cardio exercise at least 30 minutes every day.

2. Inhale
If breathing and meditation exercises, like yoga or tai chi effective for lowering stress hormones. The high stress hormones will increase renin, a kidney enzyme can raise blood pressure. Do the breathing exercise at least 5 minutes in the morning and evening. Take a deep breath will also loosen all the tension.

3. Consumption of food berpotasium
According to Linda Van Horn, PhD, professor of disease prevention from the Northwest Universitity Feinberg School of Medical, lots of eating foods rich in potassium, such as fruits and vegetables, very good for lowering blood pressure.

The best sources of potassium include potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, bananas, beans, cantaloupe, honeydew, and dried fruit, like raisins. Potassium consumption of at least 2000 - 4000 mg per day, Linda's advice.

4. Limit sodium
Salt intake should be no more than 2.4 grams per day (sodium) or 6 grams per day (NaCl). In order for salt intake under control, consider the food label to determine levels of sodium and less fast food because it is usually a high salt content.

5. Consumption of dark chocolate
Various types of dark chocolate containing flavanols that could make blood vessels more flexible. A study showed that 18 percent of patients who consumed dark chocolate showed fall in blood pressure.

6. Relaxation
The study done by researchers from the University of Florence, Italy, revealed hypertensive patients to relax by listening to music for 30 minutes while breathing deeply showed a decrease in systolic rate up to 3.2 points.