2012 Coronation Street Weekly Update

Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. Find out more about the Coronation Street Weekly Updates and why they've been written for th'internet since 1995 at http://www.corrieweeklyupdates.btinternet.co.uk 
And so without any further ado, here we go with this week’s Coronation Street update.
Eileen’s caught up in cabbie chaos this week when Lloyd turns Primo Cabs into Fare Ladies with its women-only drivers and Steve’s not best pleased. Especially when he finds out Lloyd’s nicked the Streetcars contract for the 1o’clock club along with one of their lady drivers, Gaynor. Gaynor? Tracy comes up with a cunning plan to get herself in Steve’s good books, giving Lloyd a sob story that she’s out to get Steve so Lloyd takes her on at Fare Ladies to work on the switch.  She’s only there five minutes and she’s sending the cabs to the wrong addresses and sabotaging the cars.  When Lloyd finds out what’s going on, he storms out and hunts Steve down at the Bessie Street school sports day where Steve ends up being chased around the field by Lloyd.  Both of them are hauled in to see the headmaster and ticked off for being naughty and so they make up, agree to split the cost of fixing the Fare Ladies cabs and Lloyd and his records move back in to the cab flat with Steve.  Eileen’s happy the lads have patched up because she’s managed to negotiate herself a pay rise, three extra days leave, the title of Office Manager and a free packet of Gypsy Creams.
Meanwhile, Izzy tells Gary she’s pregnant and he’s over the moon. I love these two, they’re brilliant actors and fabulous characters.  Izzy’s not right keen on telling dad Owen about the baby news just yet because she knows what his reaction will be. Owen’s scared of course, scared that Izzy won’t be able to cope with a baby and being a blunt sort of bloke, he doesn’t mince words when he finally spits out his concerns to his daughter: “You’ve only been back together five minutes and he’s not long been off his rocker!”
Anna’s more understanding, as Anna always is, but the baby news has blinded her to little Faye’s distress. Faye’s being cyber-bullied, by text and online from a couple of nasty little psycho-girls she’s got the misfortune to be at school with. 
On the cobbles, Sean’s not doing himself any favours every time he bumps into Marcus who’s moved in across the street with Maria and Liam. Sean tries to rise above the hurt and pain he’s feeling after Marcus left him last week but can’t resist – and so doesn’t resist – having a dig at Marcus as often as he can. Oh Sean, pull yourself together and have some self respect.
Elsewhere, it’s little Simon’s birthday and while Carla means well, her birthday tea of humus and olives doesn’t go down with the lad as well as Nick and Leanne’s party in the Bistro with clowns and cake does.   There’s some wonderful scenes of Peter’s jealousy and torment towards Nick, especially when Leanne tells him they’re thinking of moving and taking Simon with them.  Peter gives Nick a good thumping in the hostess trolley and Gail can’t wait to express her utter and total disgust at the thought of Nick and Leanne back together. “Battersby’s not a swear word, you know,” Nick tells his mum.
As Carla struggles to cope with Peter going off the rails thinking he’s going to lose Simon, she’s got even more to worry about when he brother Rob turns up. Now then, Rob’s new, we’ve not seen him before although there was a brother mentioned once but his name wasn’t Rob. Anyway, this Rob turns up as he’s been freed from prison so he’s the soap bad lad and we’ll see how it pans out. He’s not edgy, tall or old enough for this fan to crush on him but there’ll be Corrie fans out there who will.
Beth and Tracy move out of No. 13 this week as Kev puts pressure on Steve to move into his new house. He offers Steve the full asking price on condition he can move in within 24 hours. It’s too good an offer for Steve to refuse and so the house is cleared but where will the girls move to? Tracy finds a flat in Tile Street but when she rings up about it, it’s gone – to Beth and Craig, who’re just moving in.  Ken finally gets his balls out of Deirdre’s handbag and refuses to take Tracy back into their home and so it’s left to Emily to offer Tracy and Amy the spare room at her house. Norris isn’t best pleased to have a serial killer under his roof and Tracy plays to his paranoia, waving a very sharp knife around in the tea table, ensuring Norris’ nose is kept well and truly out of her trough.
And finally this week, Roy and Mary cosy up in the cafe over chess as Hayley and Norris take to the dance class again. Mary’s friendship with Roy is upsetting Hayley, you can tell, but Roy seems oblivious to the attention Mary’s giving him, for now anyroad.
And that’s just about that for this week.  
This week's writers were  Martin Allen, David Lane, Joe Turner, John Kerr, new writer Susan Oudot, Simon Crowther and Chris Fewtrell.
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