Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Here’s how to submit your documents to Paypal Account

1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click 'Resolution Center.'
3. Click 'Resolve' under 'Steps to Remove Limitations.'

You can either upload or fax your documents.
• If you choose to upload, please note that there is a 1.28 MB size limit
for each document, and the maximum size for all documents is 5 MB.
• If you choose to fax, fax your documents to 86-21-28939832(China
mainland); 852-3550-8589 (Hong Kong); 65-6510-4589 (Other countries) Attn:
Account Review Department. Please state your email address and case number
on each fax sheet when faxing the documents.

Please help us by submitting the required documents within 10 days from the
date you receive this email. If we receive no response within 10 days, you
will need to contact us by phone or email so that we can manually update
your case status.

After we receive your documents, we will review your documents and contact
you about the status of your PayPal account in 3~5 business days.

Thank you for your co-operation and support. Please let us know if you need
further assistance. You may contact Customer Service by clicking 'Contact
Us' at the bottom of the PayPal websit

Pepsodent Herbal (Daun Sirih,Jeruk Nipis, dan Garam)

Pasta gigi pepsodent Formulasi lebih lembut untuk gigi tetap kuat.
Pepsodent Herbal dengan formulasi yang lebih lembut diperkaya oleh kombinasi bahan alami dan bahan yang di proses secara ilmiah untuk gigi tetap kuat,gusi tetap sehat, dan mulut teteap segar.

Daun sirih dikenal sebagai anti kuman agar gigi dan mulut tetap sehat.
Garam dikenal sebagai bahan alami bermanfaat bagi mulut.
Jeruk nipis dikenal dapat membantu memberikan rasa segar.
Formulasi yang diproses secara ilmiah dengan calcium dan flouride untuk gigi tetap sehat dan kuat.