Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Tips to Overcome Difficult Sleep (Insomnia)

Tips to Overcome Difficult Sleep (Insomnia) - Difficulty sleeping or insomnia can cause frustration for those who experience it. If this happens it can lead to prolonged health problems both physically and mentally.

Causes of insomnia in every person can vary but according to the research work stress and financial problems make people more difficult to sleep.

Here are ways to overcome insomnia:

      Stop worrying. Worrying about the various problems faced every day will only make trouble closing his eyes.
      Avoid exercise two hours before bedtime. Exercising before bed will reduce the sense of relaxation
      Eat enough food. Eating too much will make it difficult to breathe while sleeping. Less easy meals to make us wake up with hunger.
      Avoid stimulating drinks and cigarettes. Do not consume caffeine (coffee) after the afternoon. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes especially before bedtime.
      Create a comfort zone for sleep. Comfort zone for sleep tailored to the needs such as lights dim, relaxed atmosphere, the smell of the scented room with aromatherapy substances, mattress and pillow are soft, cool room temperature and others.
      Drink some water before bed. Drinking plenty of water before bed will make the urgent need to urinate so it will be easily awakened.
      Go to bed at bedtime. Prolonged sleep at a time rather than hours of sleep will disturb sleep patterns.
      Lalukan relaxation before bed. Can a hot bath, scent therapy, and massage. Or the simple way is by relaxing lalukan supine position with her eyes closed feeling the air enter the body through the soles of the feet and then spread to the head.

Enough sleep and quality will make the body feel fresh and not tired. Sleep quality is not measured by the length of sleep but from changes in the body become refreshed.

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